KiaKnots Aftercare
Are you unsure about how to upkeep your extensions? Want to get hair extensions and not sure on the aftercare? In this blog we will explain the aftercare routine for our KiaKnots range of extensions.
To ensure you get the most out of your extensions, it is essential to make sure you are brushing them properly. You must brush every morning and night, even when you have curls in your hair. Do it gently and slowly while you hold your your hair and knots at the root to avoid dragging any of the knots. It is not common for our customers to lose any knots, but those who do are not brushing their hair properly!
If you do lose a knot, keep it in perfect condition and we will refit it on your next maintenance appointment.
You shouldn’t brush your extensions with any brush, but a Tangle Teezer or our KiaKnots Extension Brush. These are specifically designed to untangle your hair whilst minimizing damage to the extensions.
Washing your hair.
This is another biggie! You should be using products designed to take care of your extension set. We always recommend KiaKnots Extensions Shampoo and Conditioning Mask. If you want your extensions to be that extra soft and manageable, you should get our KiaKnots Leave-in Spray. When your mask is applied, we recommend to gently brush your extensions for an easy way to detangle.
Most people don’t wash their hair more than once a week (dry shampoo will be your friend!) but that is personal preference. However, washing your hair more than 4 times a week might be counterproductive.
Sea water is fine too! As with any normal hair, the salt in the water will dry it, just make sure you give your hair a conditioning treatment afterwards to keep it happy!
You will need to refit your knots every 3-4 months -no longer than 5 months. This way ensures no matting or damage.
Your knots grow with your hair, so a maintenance appointment consists of taking your knots off and readjusting them back to the root. This method doesn’t put any stress on your hair or damages it in any way – in fact, you will witness your hair growing perfectly underneath your knots!
Refits usually take around 1.5-3 hours depending on wether you have a full head or a half head installed and costs ÂŁ200 for a full head and ÂŁ150 for a half head. Considering your hair can last for more than a year with just these simple appointments, it is great value for money!
The average human loses around 100-200 hairs per day. If you are wearing KiaKnots, they will keep your naturally shedded hair inside of the knot. This shedded hair will come out on your refit and it will cover the floor. Don’t panic thinking this is snappage, its natural hair loss!
You can tie your hair up as much as you want. However, try to avoid tight, high ponytails during the first week that can put extra stress on your scalp.
The knots are barely visible and can be easily hidden. If you would like to wear your hair up a lot you can let your extensionist know and they will put extra care on hiding your knots whilst installing them.
Bear in mind your scalp will feel a little sore for the first 2-3 days. This is normal as the knots are installed tight for a reason -so they don´t fall out! It might hurt to sleep on your scalp during the first days -some people opt for light pain relief- but don’t worry! After your first week, you will forgets your knots are in and feel no pain. Battle on, it si worth it!
It might also feel a little bit itchy and again -this is normal. Instead of scratching, try patting to avoid any scabs. If this happens, it is normal and will go away as you get used to your knots.
If you follow these instructions, your freshly knotted head can last up to a year. Some prefer fresh hair every 6 months -that’s entirely up to you!